Leticia Keith - Page 15

How do you find the motivation to change jobs?
How do you find the motivation to change jobs?

Does your job no longer give you satisfaction? Maybe it’s time for a change? Find out when it is worth considering a change of employment.

15 minutes a day for personal development
15 minutes a day for personal development

Personal development is an important aspect of our self-actualization. Explore ways to develop your passions by spending just 15 minutes a day.

Personal Development. Which books are worth reading?
Personal Development. Which books are worth reading?

Personal development shapes personality. See our ranking: personal development books worth reading.

How to create an engaging presentation?
How to create an engaging presentation?

With a presentation, you can introduce yourself, your projects or your strengths. However, it will only work if it is clear and interesting. Do you know how to do it?

Are you lacking strength? Learn the 7 biggest benefits of taking a nap!
Are you lacking strength? Learn the 7 biggest benefits of taking a nap!

Taking a nap after a sleepless night is not about being lazy, but about taking care of your body. See what are the benefits of napping and why you should do it.

How do you log off Instagram and stop comparing yourself to others?
How do you log off Instagram and stop comparing yourself to others?

Complexes, underachievement, FOMO – this is what spending too much time on social media is associated with. Find out how to recognize it’s time for a break from Instagram

The myth of the left and right hemispheres. Is one really dominant?
The myth of the left and right hemispheres. Is one really dominant?

You’ll often see the statement that every person has a dominant hemisphere of the brain that affects their abilities. What does science say about this?

Why listen to music while pregnant? Playlist for expectant moms
Why listen to music while pregnant? Playlist for expectant moms

Around the middle of pregnancy, your baby starts to hear environmental sounds. Does the music I listen to at this time have any effect on them?

Concentrating Children and Youth. Live online workshop!
Concentrating Children and Youth. Live online workshop!

Whether you’re a therapist or a parent. Learn how to talk appropriately with adolescents and toddlers!

Myths of popular psychology, or the lies we want to believe
Myths of popular psychology, or the lies we want to believe

Does a person really use only 10% of their brain, and will a polygraph always identify a liar? If you are interested in facts rather than conjecture, be sure to reach for this book.