Personal Development. Which books are worth reading?

Personal Development. Which books are worth reading?
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Personal development is of great importance in a person’s life. Self-improvement is a direction that is being explored more and more. More and more books are appearing that want to help you determine the path you need to take to change something in your life. Readings about personal development help us understand how to control our emotions and be less critical of ourselves.

It’s hard to create a cliché ranking of personal development books that are worth reading. It’s all because of the number of books on this topic available on the market. We present 10 books that are easy to reach for

How to Think Less. For endlessly analyzing and highly sensitive

Author: Petitcollin Christel. An item for sensitive people and for all those who analyze their experiences endlessly. ” How to think less…” shows the position in which people find themselves if they constantly dwell on the past, which in turn disturbs inner harmony. In short, this reading will help us understand ourselves.

Men are from Mars, women are from Venus

This book is written by John Gray, who is a psychologist and writer specializing in the problems of love relationships. In this book he explains from a psychological point of view the differences between the female and male vision of a relationship. In one word – a guide how to come to an agreement and get what you strongly desire.

The power of the subconscious

Murphy Joseph in his guide proves that you can effectively take control of yourself. In this book you can find practical tips that will help you free your mind and thus achieve success. A read about living up to your potential.

The Power of Habit

Charles Duhigg explains how to develop your habits to be positive. From this book we will learn how habits condition us and how to change them.

6 pillars of self-esteem

In this publication, its author Nathaniel Branden shows how to examine and analyze self-esteem. Even down to the smallest details. This book helps you understand how to perceive yourself, how to act to achieve results. We can also find here many exercises that, with regularity, build our self-discipline and, consequently, help to achieve positive experiences.


Start thinking like a monk

A book written by vlogger Jay Shetty – a motivational speaker. He used to be a monk and now shares his experiences with his readers. He proves that letting go of old habits helps you achieve your desired goal. What is important is to let go of fear, negative emotions and artificially created identity.

How to stop worrying and start living

A work by Dale Carnegie that focuses on the importance of breaking the negative habit of worrying to spare. Plenty of practical examples, principles, and role models to follow.

The magic of thinking big

Dr. Schwartz presents a carefully crafted program for getting the best results in your work, marital, family, and social life. He shows that you don’t have to have innate talent to be successful

How to silence the inner critic and believe in yourself

A guidebook written by Alina Adamowicz and Joanna Godecka, in which they propose different strategies that help to face the inner voice. They invited to talk about these topics: Katarzyna Cichopek, Daria Ładocha, Odeta Moro, Honorata Skarbek, Dorota Welman, Zofia Zborowska-Wrona.

The phenomenon of morning

Hal Elrod’s book is a collection of six proven practices that will help you achieve your goals and reach the heights of your potential. And in all aspects of our lives. It starts with getting up early every morning. This guide will help you change your habits and prove that what has become a habit doesn’t always have to be good.

If you are trying to find a reading that will help you understand yourself – start by asking yourself “What do I want to change in my life?”, “What do I want to work on?”. Proper analysis will help to effectively specify the problem and find a book that meets our needs.

And you, what kind of reading about personal development do you recommend?

See also – What do you need to be able to develop yourself?

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