Winter Training. Be better at your job!

Winter Training. Be better at your job!
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Wondering how to manage your time? Do you want to improve your efficiency in the private and professional sphere? Then sign up for one of our trainings focused on personal development. Check out our proposals!

Training worthy of attention

  • Do you dream of maintaining a balance between your private and professional life? Are you wondering how to avoid professional burnout? If so, sign up for the training “Work-Life Balance – how to maintain balance between work and personal life”

The training will be held on three dates: 29.12.2020, 18.01.2021 and 15.02.2021. You can choose online or stationary course (Łódź). The cost of the training is 1300 PLN.

  • Do you manage a team? Wondering how to effectively provide feedback while avoiding an aggressive or submissive attitude? Find out how to adapt your behaviour to the situation. Sign up for the open training “Feedback.
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(Photo by Scott Graham, source:

You can choose from the following dates: 27.01. 2021, 25.02.2021 or 25.03.2021. Classes will be held in the form of online course and traditionally (Łódź). The cost of the training is 1300 PLN, which includes all necessary training materials and catering for participants

  • Do you work in a managerial position? Or maybe you are a manager or trainer? Are you wondering how to develop your subordinates? If so, pay attention to the open training “Motivating employees and co-workers – motivation training”. Find out how to find strengths of a team member. See how to give constructive feedback and motivate the team to achieve business goals!

The training will take place on the following dates: 25.01.2021, 23.02.2021 and 23.03.2021 You can choose online or stationary course (in Lodz). The organizer notes that the price of the training is negotiable.

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