6 things you can do just for yourself

6 things you can do just for yourself
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For their own mental health, everyone should be a reasonable selfish person. If a person is tired, he becomes restless and is unable to love not only the other person but also himself. A tired partner also has no patience or strength for any compromise. Living in a relationship requires not only taking care of the relationship, but also taking care of oneself.

Why do we need time for ourselves?

Simply put: so as not to go crazy. Everyone needs time and space just for themselves to recuperate

Research shows that people who take time for themselves:

  • reset their brains – and as a result are more productive at work,
  • have better concentration,
  • have more successful relationships with their partners,
  • have more opportunities to do the things they really like and enjoy,
  • have a more optimistic approach to life,
  • continually develop their personalities.

6 things you can do just for yourself

Why 6? Why not! These are just our loose suggestions and the list could go on forever.

Kobieta z kubkiem kawy
(source: pexels.com)

Doing nothing is not a good idea for all people. Many people enjoy an active vacation or one that brings something constructive to their lives. Whatever your preference, it’s worth finding 30 minutes every day to relax in your own style – even if it’s just lying on the couch after a hearty dinner. And our ideas?

1. Get cultured

Once a week, read a good text or watch a valuable movie. Such an encounter with art evokes extreme emotions, from joy to tears, and at the same time makes you reflect on your own self.

Relaks przy książce
(Photo by Nathan Dumlao, source: unsplash.com)

It will make you realize that you have your own opinion, which is worth expressing clearly, but without hurting the other person.

2. Get away from the screen

Everyone is accompanied by a screen all day long, where you can see a perfect world. Virtual reality can be the source of many complexes and frustrations – there is always someone who has it better, earns more and is more attractive. So turn off your phone sometimes and stop being frustrated. Remember that these are just snippets from other people’s lives, which probably look exactly like yours: they have ups and downs

3. Learn something new

Very often, it’s your responsibility as an employee to keep learning in order to get better at what you do. And yet, you should learn first and foremost for yourself

Stosik książek
(Photo by Lala Azizli, source: unsplash.com)

Remind yourself what skill you always wanted to have? Playing the guitar? How about knowing Chinese? New interests broaden our horizons and improve our self-esteem. Just give it a try, you have nothing to lose

4. Imagine that you have succeeded

Many coaches repeat that visualization allows you to reach your dream goal faster. Of course, just thinking about something is not enough to magically make any desire come true. However, attitude also matters, so try to get statements out of your head like:

  • “I can’t”,
  • “I can’t do it”,
  • “I can’t.”

Even if for some reason you don’t succeed, the visualizations themselves are very enjoyable and help strengthen you in more difficult times.

5. Take care of yourself

A tired and poorly nourished body is not good for your mental health, so take care of yourself by, for example, having a healthy breakfast or a workout that will give you endorphins

Zdrowe śniadanie
(Photo: Brooke Lark, source: unsplash.com)

Another great way to take care of your body is to visit a spa, massage parlor or beautician.

6. Appreciate yourself

Everyone wants to be appreciated. However, if you don’t appreciate yourself, there is little chance that someone else will. So appreciate yourself! You don’t have to do everything perfectly. The important thing is that you try. You don’t have to be perfect – just be yourself.

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