The fight against procrastination! Take up the challenge with our tips

The fight against procrastination! Take up the challenge with our tips
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Procrastination usually involves ignoring an unpleasant but possibly more important task in favor of a more pleasant or easier one. However, it is important to remember that giving in to this impulse can have serious consequences. Even minor episodes of procrastination can trigger feelings of guilt or shame. This leads to lower productivity and failure to meet goals.

Create a to-do list with specific deadlines

Creating a to-do list is simple. You organize everything you need to do in the near future in the order that is right for you. This will make your workload seem much more manageable. Instead of a dark forest of troubles, you now have a guide to help you get through your work, pointing out the light at the end of the tunnel.

Remember, a to-do list filled with tasks is not enough. It is important to add specific deadlines to your responsibilities. When you know that a step needs to be completed by noon, a sense of urgency will help you push the work forward.

Break larger projects into manageable chunks

Breaking down difficult tasks into easier sub-items is the fastest way to make sure they actually get done. When you’re looking at a huge project, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by the sheer size and feel defeated before you even get started.

When you take on a project and break it down into small, manageable steps, you’ll be able to see how the pieces mesh together as you progress.

If you’re still procrastinating, break down some of the subsections into even smaller pieces. Soon, the hard work will be done and you’ll be able to look back at a long, accomplished checklist.

Reserve time and space for work

This step is about really focusing on the task at hand. Avoid distractions while you work. Consider what time of day you feel most motivated. Perhaps you work best in the morning. Or maybe you feel most productive in the afternoon? The idea is to focus on your work at a particular time of day.

Next, carve out some space to do purely work-related tasks. If you work in an office, your desk should suffice, as long as you remove distractions. If you work from home, choose an area that you reserve exclusively for work.

Whether it’s a specific room or just a specific desk or table, there’s a big psychological boost that comes with a space created just for getting work done.

Eliminate distractions

Removing all distractions seems easy at first, but you need to really think it through. This will help you avoid procrastination

Think about what most often distracts you from your work tasks. Maybe you’re drawn to Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram. Maybe you tend to talk to co-workers. If you work from home, perhaps you’d rather play a game, read a book or play with your dog.

Identify these distractions and eliminate them from your workspace. Don’t open social media on your computer. Stay in your work zone. Use headphones and soothing music to stay isolated from the world.

Take care of the hard stuff first

Why When you complete the biggest part of a project first, it will boost your confidence. You will feel incredibly productive after completing the most difficult tasks, and the rest of your work will seem easy compared to the beginning.

Do one thing at a time

The truth is that multitasking is a myth. We humans can really only focus on one task at a time. Don’t move on to the next project until you’ve finished the first.

Reward yourself with breaks

Remember that you can’t keep your focus and energy high for long periods of time. Therefore, schedule breaks. This will refresh your mind and avoid distractions while you work. You will also keep your motivation high.

Try the 2 minute rule

Sometimes you face a task that you really don’t want to do. But once you’ve broken it down into smaller pieces, ask yourself if you can do the first piece in two minutes or less.

This is a great psychological trick. No matter how difficult the task may be, the idea of facing it for just two minutes will help you de-stress. Clench your teeth and finish it. You’ll be surprised how much relief you’ll feel when you complete the plan.

And if the overload of responsibilities finally overwhelms you, remember that stress can be fought !

Main article photo: Photo by Westend61 / Getty Images

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