Developing subjects of the future. What should they teach in schools?

Developing subjects of the future. What should they teach in schools?
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Mathematics, Polish, foreign languages, biology, history, P.E. – this is not even half of the subjects currently in schools. But not all of them are equally important or necessary, and there is definitely something missing from the curricula. Just what is it?

No one needs to be convinced that the education system is not perfect. Children are overloaded with information, tasks and knowledge that is rarely useful in practice. On top of that, there is often much to be desired in the way that this knowledge is imparted – facts, formulas and data cobbled together by heart without independent drawing of conclusions or solving problems. Certainly, anyone who graduated from school has found out in adulthood that many of the school lessons were of little use, and could be replaced by the subjects of the future.


Rhetoric is, in simplest terms, the ability to speak correctly, and in narrower terms it teaches effective communication, identifying the needs of the interlocutor and using words to achieve specific goals. It is definitely one of those subjects that should be included in schools – the ability to express one’s thoughts and communicate effectively are useful in any environment. Rhetoric also helps relieve the fear of speeches and teaches how to argue correctly in discussions.

Basics of finance

It is worthwhile for children to learn how to manage money properly from an early age, and at later stages of education they should learn the basics of economics. This will make it easier for them in adulthood to understand the most important financial instruments, think about investments and save money.


Logic teaches us to look for non-standard solutions, not to be afraid of complex tasks and to think coherently and consistently. Such skills enable us to draw conclusions and better analyze what is around us. At the time when logical thinking develops most intensively in children, it is the school that should support this development with appropriate lessons.

Information security and hygiene

Virtually everyone has access to the Internet, including children. Unfortunately, not every user knows how to use the network consciously and safely. Therefore, such a subject as information security and hygiene is really necessary. Through it, children would learn how to avoid scammers online, recognize fake sites and protect their data. Hygiene, on the other hand, is about how we perceive and disseminate information – it teaches how to verify sources and distinguish false information from real information.

Mental health

School psychologist surveys asking whether a child enjoys school and hanging out with classmates are clearly not enough. Children need to be taught to recognize depression and other mental illnesses, to distinguish them from bad mood or fatigue, and to communicate properly with people who have disorders. It is also important to teach children how to deal effectively with stress.

Ecological lifestyle

The progressive destruction of the environment, pollution, growing mountains of garbage and the climate catastrophe hanging over us all urgently require education in ecology and conservation. Children should learn about basic healthy and ecological habits, the principles of recycling, how to live in harmony with nature, the basics of how a sustainable economy works, etc.

The subjects on our list include competencies that every human being should master. These are skills that make life much easier, help you advance your career and manage your finances.

main photo: Eliason

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