Have you been working at your company for several years? Find out how to keep your motivation at a good level!

Have you been working at your company for several years? Find out how to keep your motivation at a good level!
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Motivation is an important factor that affects productivity and efficiency at work. Keeping it at the right level is in the interest not only of the employer, who benefits from the efficiency of the people employed, but also of them. What is worth knowing?

Thanks to commitment, days at work pass more quickly, and performing tasks at the right level is sometimes met with a response from the employer in the form of a raise or at least verbal praise, which is also nice. Learn how to keep your motivation at a good level from our article!

See the value in your work

Sometimes we take time to think about how our work affects the lives of others. Check the information on who specifically benefits from the tasks you perform, what value they bring.

Understanding your work in a broader sense than performing your duties from 09:00 to 17:00 can prove crucial in terms of deriving satisfaction from your profession. If you value yourself, you will increase your commitment and passion for what you do.

Set new career goals for yourself

Just as stagnation is a threat to a relationship, boredom is the enemy of deriving satisfaction from your work. For this reason, start setting daily, weekly, monthly and long-term career goals. They also don’t have to be strictly about the tasks you perform.

For example, set yourself to help your co-workers solve their problem by offering selfless support. Find out what qualifications are most valued in your profession and go for subject-specific training. Determine in which direction you want to grow, increase your competencies and take a professional step forward by switching to a better-paying job where you are more fulfilled.

Start using time management techniques

Your efficiency can change for the better if you start managing your time. It’s a good idea to align the timing of your tasks with the REFA productivity curve. According to it, personal efficiency during the day stands at its highest level in the morning, drops in the afternoon and rises again in the evening. Try performing your tasks according to this method and observe the effects.

You can also start to segment your work day in a different way. Quite a few people use the unitization method. According to it, an employee performs his tasks for 50 minutes or an hour, adjusting the time to his capabilities, and then takes a break of 15-20 minutes and returns to work again. This allows him to focus more easily and perform assigned tasks better.

Prioritizing tasks and a reward system

With prioritization, you will be able to perform the most important tasks at the time when you are most efficient or have already “warmed up” your brain and reached a state of high concentration. It’s worth reviewing your tasks on a regular basis and prioritizing them.

Unfortunately, a quite often overlooked issue is the allocation of rewards and praise at work. Employers, management and managers focus first and foremost on achieving goals, and then usually move on to the next task. 

If they are not aware that an appreciated and satisfied employee performs his duties even better, with more determination, then give yourself a reward. Determine that if you complete a difficult and time-consuming task on time and to a good standard, then treat yourself to dinner at a new restaurant, buy cool clothes or go to the movies with your loved ones. 

This way, your brain will get used to the fact that there is a nice reward for a task well done, and it will be happy to cooperate with you, concentrating faster. With the help of these ways, even long-time work in one company will take on new colors and become much more interesting.

main photo: unsplash.com/Windows

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