Getting to know new people at work – how to make the process easier?

Getting to know new people at work – how to make the process easier?
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Starting a new job is a difficult and stressful experience – you set new priorities, get used to new responsibilities, your boss and his expectations. Not to mention the fact that you have to get acquainted and make friends with a whole team of new employees.

Having friends at work is very important and can make a significant difference to your mental comfort in a new company. But how do you become part of a team when so many new tasks and challenges fall on you? We’ve prepared some tips to help you make the right first contact with your new co-workers without much effort.

Introduce yourself and start a casual conversation

First, introduce yourself to each person you meet – take advantage of the time while you’re having lunch together in the cafeteria or back office, waiting before a meeting or riding the elevator. Ask the co-workers you meet what team they are on, what part of their job they love the most, what they are planning for the weekend – whatever! Such small talk will help you break the initial ice and feel part of the team faster.

Learn your colleagues’ names

According to the words of Dale Carnegie, author of the book “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” “A person’s name is the most beloved and important sound in any language to him.” So learn your co-workers’ names and use them when speaking, and you’ll make a positive impression right from the start.

Take advantage of your lunch break

The lunch break is a great opportunity to meet and talk to people outside your team, and a good way to take a quality break (which will positively affect your mood and productivity). Don’t eat lunch alone at your desk. Instead, go out to the company cafeteria or canteen, or see what’s going on in the employee kitchen.

Offer a drink (or dinner) after work

Don’t be afraid to take the initiative to go out for a spontaneous drink together after work. Even if few people decide to join, it will be a great opportunity to get to know them better. Just these few acquaintances will ease your adaptation process in the team. In addition, the off-site environment will open up conversations about life’s problems, allowing you to take relationships to the next level.

Bring food

We all know that food brings people together. Your co-workers will appreciate the gesture (especially if they didn’t have food with them). It will allow you to gain their favor and affection. In addition, you may earn some “bonus points” if you bring homemade food and your colleagues ask you for the recipe.

Be positive

If you don’t complain about your work and don’t get into office drama, people will come to you on their own to draw positive energy. Don’t get caught up in company gossip and conflict. Instead, look for topics that connect you with others rather than divide you – hobbies, children, pets, common friends, etc.

Ask for help and offer assistance

If you have a problem, ask your closest co-worker for help. Working together on a solution will bring you closer and help break the initial ice. You can also offer support to other team members yourself. Even if no one takes up the offer right away, they will certainly appreciate the opportunity and your commitment.

Be yourself

This is perhaps the most important piece of advice – be yourself! There is no point in making friends by pretending to be someone you really are not. You don’t have to share your deepest secrets right away, but don’t be afraid to talk about your life and interests outside of work: the strongest relationships are always built on honesty.

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