Fear of change. How can it be tamed?

Fear of change. How can it be tamed?
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It is impossible to escape from changes in life. But that’s a good thing, because they are the ones that help us grow and gain new experiences, through which we learn more about reality and become more aware of our value. Although change has a beneficial effect on life, it often causes great anxiety. How can one deal with it?

Anxiety is one of the most natural emotional states in life. It is triggered by many factors, usually stressful situations such as a job interview. Sometimes, however, anxiety arises at the very thought that something could change in the reality we know. Such anxiety is related to the fear of stepping out of one’s comfort zone, making decisions or trying something new. Some people do not like change, because they associate it with something not only foreign and unfamiliar, but above all negative. They prefer to lead a quiet life. This is understandable, because each of us has different needs, but treating any deviation from the regular rhythm of daily life badly, significantly affects the quality of life. We must be aware that changes, minor and major, will occur throughout life, they cannot be avoided, but they can be tamed.

Causes of fear of change

It is impossible to pinpoint clear causes for the emergence of fear of change. Scientists suggest that genetic and environmental factors may have an impact. Biochemical changes in the brain, caused by chronic illnesses, alcohol and drug abuse, or traumatic experiences in the past, among others, are also significant.

Anxiety of change often develops in people who have a certain predisposition for it and the right character traits. Some people value stability, a sense of security and do not seek constant excitement. Thus, any change will provoke in them a natural opposition combined with a desire for everything to return to its previous state. It also happens that anxiety disorders are hereditary.

Self-esteem is also important in experiencing fear of change. Low self-esteem and feelings of insecurity are often associated with fear of taking on new activities. Such a person doesn’t believe he or she could cope with the next challenge, so prefers to be stuck in a safe bubble.

Symptoms of fear of change

Anxiety of change makes life difficult and negatively affects it, interfering with normal functioning. People affected by anxiety disorders avoid even the good changes.

Anxiety of change is often accompanied by such symptoms as:

  • a constant sense of anxiety,
  • intrusive recurring thoughts,
  • a sense of being overwhelmed,
  • feelings of dread,
  • sudden panic attacks,
  • difficulty in calming down,
  • problems with concentration.

Sometimes there are also somatic symptoms related to the functioning of the respiratory and circulatory systems, such as difficulty breathing and increased heart rate, but they depend on individual predisposition.

Strengthening against anxiety

Overcoming stress and anxiety should start with lifestyle changes. Taking care of physical and mental health, diet, physical activity, breathing and relaxation exercises, meditation, avoiding stimulants and getting enough sleep strengthen the body and improve well-being.

Changes are stressful, and in the face of them we have a right to feel tired and overwhelmed. During more difficult times, let’s allow ourselves to relax and get our needs met. Let’s also not be afraid to ask for help from loved ones or professionals.

main photo: pixabay.com/geralt

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