Changing career direction – how to go about it?

Changing career direction – how to go about it?
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If you’re feeling tired and bored with your job, and on top of that you don’t feel any professional satisfaction, it could be a sign that it’s time to change career direction. However, such a change can sometimes be disruptive and difficult, and therefore scary. So where do you start to change your career direction?

According to surveys, more than 90% of Poles say they want to change careers. Another statistic says that on average we change jobs seven times during our lives. This shows that we should be flexible and ready for possible challenges. More often than not, however, we feel anxious in the face of such situations. So it’s worth learning about ways that can prepare us for a new career path. We suggest where to start when the desire or prospect of a career change comes into our lives.

Think about why you are doing it and what you have to offer

At the outset, clearly identify the reasons by which you feel it is time for a job change. Maybe you feel like you’ve been stagnant for a long time, not progressing or getting promotions and raises? Maybe you feel overworked because you often do overtime? Or maybe your company or industry is experiencing problems that are taking a toll on your salary and confidence in your future in the profession? Any of the reasons listed (as well as a few others) are good enough to start thinking about a change that will bring benefits such as greater satisfaction, higher earnings or better relationships with co-workers.

Once you’re sure it’s the right time for a career change, consider what your strengths are, what skills you’ve gained so far and what you have to offer. This is also a good time to identify your needs and expectations. Maybe you want to stay in your learned field and just change companies, or maybe set your sights on a completely different profession? Look around, see which nearby companies are looking for employees and what they are looking at. Recall what you like to do, what you’re good at, what you’ve always dreamed of doing, and think about how you could use it in a new job. Also think about what stage of life you are at and what you care about in your new job. Maybe you long to work in a group or, on the contrary, want to work alone?

Improve your resume, get new competencies and qualifications

When looking for a job, it’s important to make a good impression. On the one hand you need to be confident in your skills and competencies, on the other hand you should know how to present them. The easiest and most common way to do this is to present your resume. Before you take on the search for a new job, it is essential to update your professional resume. Make sure it is carefully prepared and looks professional. Make sure it doesn’t lack any information about your education, courses you’ve taken, language skills or so-called soft skills, which are becoming increasingly important in the eyes of recruiters. If you feel that your resume is missing something, don’t be afraid to get new qualifications! Deciding to make a career change and looking for a new job is the perfect time to polish your language skills, read industry books, listen to podcasts or enroll in a new course to improve your employability. Remember, investing in yourself is the best investment that will always pay off.

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