Highly sensitive at work. How are they doing?

Highly sensitive at work. How are they doing?
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Highly sensitive people are characterized by a high level of empathy and have a more delicate nervous system and a more sensitive character, they perceive all stimuli from the external world more intensively. How does this translate into their professional life?

According to psychological terminology, highly sensitive people process information “more sensitively” and sensorially than average people. The study, which was conducted by Dr. Elaine Aron, a clinical psychologist, found that up to one in five people may be highly sensitive due to inherited genes.

Highly sensitive people, in addition to having a more sensitive character and a more delicate nervous system, also have high levels of empathy and compassion. They care about the problems of others much more than their own. They are often worried, as well as stressed or embarrassed. They are incapable of being aggressive and may have difficulty assertively setting boundaries, as they care deeply about others having the best opinion of them. They care about the opinions of others in any environment – among family, friends, at school, university or work.

Contrary to appearances, highly sensitive people are able to excel in their professional lives, and their particularly sensitive personality does not prevent them from taking on everyday challenges. On the contrary, certain qualities that distinguish them are sometimes extremely desirable in workplaces.

High sensitivity at work

Highly sensitive people notice things that escape others. They are able to pick up small differences and notice details. At the same time, they are prone to reflection and analysis, and perform the tasks they undertake carefully and thoroughly. They are also distinguished by strong intuition. Such qualities are sometimes irreplaceable in some professions. High sensitivity, therefore, need not at all be a burden that hinders the development of a professional career. A number of qualities of highly sensitive people can be turned into advantages, which will make it easier for such people to find their way in the working environment.

Highly sensitive people, thanks to their empathetic approach, are able to form loyal and trusting relationships. They can sense someone’s moods and emotions, show support and understanding. They avoid conflicts, and if they arise – they will know how to resolve them calmly, without harming either party. There is no denying that such people are needed in any team, and good relations between employees affect better results in the company.

Another positive trait that highly sensitive people can demonstrate at work is creativity. The ability to see what eludes others is often associated with an original view of the world. This translates into a creative approach to tasks and problems. Highly sensitive people usually present a perspective unknown to most people, which is worth using in professional activities.

However, we must remember that highly sensitive people often feel overstimulated and are tired of noise and the presence of others. Although they can realize themselves in many fields, they should remember to take care of their well-being. Their schedule must not lack room for getting enough sleep, rest, tranquility and relaxation techniques. It is a good idea to plan all tasks. A structured daily routine will help reduce unnecessary stimulation.

main photo: unsplash.com/Tim Gouw

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